Tennessee Academic Standards for Science

This alignment guide shows how KnowAtom’s K-8 integrated science curriculum is aligned with Tennessee Academic Standards for Science.

Phenomena Based Lessons Aligned to Tennessee Academic Standards for Science

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Science Lesson State Standards State ID Grades Performance Expectation
Earth Materials and Water Flow TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.ESS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain the cycle of water on Earth.

Earth Materials and Water Flow TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.ESS2.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Associate major cloud types (cumulus, cumulonimbus, cirrus, stratus, nimbostratus) with weather conditions.

Earth Materials and Water Flow TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.ESS2.4 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Incorporate weather data to describe major climates (polar, temperate, tropical) in different regions of the world.

Engineering Permeable Concrete TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.ESS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) impact humans and the environment.

Hydroelectric Dams and the Environment TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.ESS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) impact humans and the environment.

Engineering Permeable Concrete TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.ESS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Design solutions to reduce the impact of natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) on the environment.

Hydroelectric Dams and the Environment TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.ESS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Design solutions to reduce the impact of natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) on the environment.

Mealworm Senses TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.LS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Analyze the internal and external structures that aquatic and land animals and plants have to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Frog Life Cycle TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.LS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Analyze the internal and external structures that aquatic and land animals and plants have to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Plant Structures TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.LS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Analyze the internal and external structures that aquatic and land animals and plants have to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Mealworm Senses TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.LS4.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Explain the cause-and-effect relationship between a naturally changing environment and an organism's ability to survive.
Selecting Traits TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.LS4.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Infer that plant and animal adaptations help them survive in land and aquatic biomes.

Hydroelectric Dams and the Environment TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.LS4.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how changes to an environment's biodiversity influence human resources.

Properties of Matter TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Describe the properties of solids, liquids, and gases and identify that matter is made up of particles too small to be seen.

Properties of Matter TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS1.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Differentiate between changes caused by heating or cooling that can be reversed and that cannot.

Properties of Matter TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS1.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Describe and compare the physical properties of matter including color, texture, shape, length, mass, temperature, volume, state, hardness, and flexibility.

Current Electricity TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain the cause-and-effect relationship of magnets.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Recognize that energy is present when objects move; describe the effects of energy transfer from one object to another.

Energy Transfer and Levers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Recognize that energy is present when objects move; describe the effects of energy transfer from one object to another.

Engineering Electric Cars TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Recognize that energy is present when objects move; describe the effects of energy transfer from one object to another.

Waves and Energy TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Recognize that energy is present when objects move; describe the effects of energy transfer from one object to another.

Current Electricity TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts electrical energy to another form of energy, using open or closed simple circuits.

Engineering Electric Cars TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 3.PS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refiane a device that converts electrical energy to another form of energy, using open or closed simple circuits.

Water Erosion TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Generate and support a claim with evidence that over long periods of time, erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition have changed landscapes and created new landforms.

Plate Tectonics and Landform Patterns TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Generate and support a claim with evidence that over long periods of time, erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition have changed landscapes and created new landforms.

Changing Earth's Surface TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Generate and support a claim with evidence that over long periods of time, erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition have changed landscapes and created new landforms.

Earth Materials and Water Flow TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Generate and support a claim with evidence that over long periods of time, erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition have changed landscapes and created new landforms.

Water Erosion TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Collect and analyze data from observations to provide evidence that rocks, soils, and sediments are broken into smaller pieces through mechanical weathering (frost wedging, abrasion, tree root wedging) and are transported by water, ice, wind, gravity, and vegetation.

Changing Earth's Surface TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Collect and analyze data from observations to provide evidence that rocks, soils, and sediments are broken into smaller pieces through mechanical weathering (frost wedging, abrasion, tree root wedging) and are transported by water, ice, wind, gravity, and vegetation.

Earth Materials and Water Flow TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Collect and analyze data from observations to provide evidence that rocks, soils, and sediments are broken into smaller pieces through mechanical weathering (frost wedging, abrasion, tree root wedging) and are transported by water, ice, wind, gravity, and vegetation.

Changing Earth's Surface TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS2.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Interpret maps to determine that the location of mountain ranges, deep ocean trenches, volcanoes, and earthquakes occur in patterns.
Mealworm Senses TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS2.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Provide examples to support the claim that organisms affect the physical characteristics of their regions.
Plate Tectonics and Landform Patterns TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS2.4 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Analyze and interpret data on the four layers of the Earth, including thickness, composition, and physical states of these layers.

Changing Earth's Surface TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS2.4 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Analyze and interpret data on the four layers of the Earth, including thickness, composition, and physical states of these layers.
Earth Materials and Water Flow TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and that some energy and fuel sources are renewable (sunlight, wind, water) and some are not (fossil fuels, minerals).

Engineering Permeable Concrete TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Create an argument, using evidence from research, that human activity (farming, mining, building) can affect the land and ocean in positive and/or negative ways.

Hydroelectric Dams and the Environment TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ESS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Create an argument, using evidence from research, that human activity (farming, mining, building) can affect the land and ocean in positive and/or negative ways.

Engineering Information Transfer TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Categorize the effectiveness of design solutions by comparing them to specified criteria for constraints.

Engineering Permeable Concrete TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Categorize the effectiveness of design solutions by comparing them to specified criteria for constraints.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Categorize the effectiveness of design solutions by comparing them to specified criteria for constraints.

Engineering Electric Cars TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Categorize the effectiveness of design solutions by comparing them to specified criteria for constraints.

Engineering Information Transfer TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use appropriate tools and measurements to build a model.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use appropriate tools and measurements to build a model.

Engineering Permeable Concrete TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use appropriate tools and measurements to build a model.

Engineering Electric Cars TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use appropriate tools and measurements to build a model.

Engineering Permeable Concrete TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Determine the effectiveness of multiple solutions to a design problem given the criteria and the constraints.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Determine the effectiveness of multiple solutions to a design problem given the criteria and the constraints.

Engineering Electric Cars TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Determine the effectiveness of multiple solutions to a design problem given the criteria and the constraints.

Engineering Information Transfer TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Determine the effectiveness of multiple solutions to a design problem given the criteria and the constraints.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how engineers have improved existing technologies to increase their benefits, to decrease known risks, and to meet societal demands (artificial limbs, seatbelts, cell phones).

Engineering Information Transfer TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how engineers have improved existing technologies to increase their benefits, to decrease known risks, and to meet societal demands (artificial limbs, seatbelts, cell phones).

Engineering Permeable Concrete TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how engineers have improved existing technologies to increase their benefits, to decrease known risks, and to meet societal demands (artificial limbs, seatbelts, cell phones).

Engineering Electric Cars TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.ETS2.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how engineers have improved existing technologies to increase their benefits, to decrease known risks, and to meet societal demands (artificial limbs, seatbelts, cell phones).

Frog Life Cycle TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.LS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Support an argument with evidence that plants get the materials they need for growth and reproduction chiefly through a process in which they use carbon dioxide from the air, water, and energy from the sun to produce sugars, plant materials, and waste (oxygen); and that this process is called photosynthesis.

Plant Structures TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.LS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Support an argument with evidence that plants get the materials they need for growth and reproduction chiefly through a process in which they use carbon dioxide from the air, water, and energy from the sun to produce sugars, plant
materials, and waste (oxygen); and that this process is called photosynthesis.

Food Webs TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.LS2.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Develop models of terrestrial and aquatic food chains to describe the movement of energy among producers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and decomposers.

Food Webs TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.LS2.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Using information about the roles of organisms (producers, consumers, decomposers), evaluate how those roles in food chains are interconnected in a food web, and communicate how the organisms are continuously able to meet their needs in a stable food web.

Mealworm Senses TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.LS2.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Using information about the roles of organisms (producers, consumers, decomposers), evaluate how those roles in food chains are interconnected in a food web, and communicate how the organisms are continuously able to meet their needs in a stable food web.
Selecting Traits TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.LS2.4 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Develop and use models to determine the effects of introducing a species to, or removing a species from, an ecosystem and how either one can damage the balance of an ecosystem.

Selecting Traits TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.LS2.5 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Analyze and interpret data about changes (land characteristics, water distribution, temperature, food, and other organisms) in the environment and describe what mechanisms organisms can use to affect their ability to survive and reproduce.

Food Webs TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.LS2.5 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Analyze and interpret data about changes (land characteristics, water distribution, temperature, food, and other organisms) in the environment and describe what mechanisms organisms can use to affect their ability to survive and reproduce.

Changing Earth's Surface TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.LS4.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Obtain information about what a fossil is and ways a fossil can provide information about the past.

Energy and Collisions TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use evidence to explain the cause and effect relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of an object.

Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use evidence to explain the cause and effect relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of an object.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use evidence to explain the cause and effect relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of an object.

Engineering Electric Cars TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use evidence to explain the cause and effect relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of an object.

Energy Transfer and Levers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Observe and explain the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Observe and explain the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy.

Forces and Levers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.
Waves and Energy TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Engineering Information Transfer TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Pitch and Volume TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Current Electricity TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.
Engineering Electric Cars TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Energy Transfer and Levers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS3.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Waves and Energy TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS4.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use a model of a simple wave to explain regular patterns of amplitude, wavelength, and direction.

Pitch and Volume TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS4.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use a model of a simple wave to explain regular patterns of amplitude, wavelength, and direction.

Engineering Information Transfer TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS4.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Describe how the colors of available light sources and the bending of light waves determine what we see.

Engineering Information Transfer TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 4.PS4.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Investigate how lenses and digital devices like computers or cell phones use waves to enhance human senses.

Changing Earth's Surface TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.ESS1.7 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Use evidence from the presence and location of fossils to determine the order in which rock strata were formed.
Selecting Traits TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.LS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Compare and contrast animal responses that are instinctual versus those that are gathered through the senses, processed, and stored as memories to guide their actions.

Mealworm Senses TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.LS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Compare and contrast animal responses that are instinctual versus those that are gathered through the senses, processed, and stored as memories to guide their actions.
Selecting Traits TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.LS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Distinguish between inherited characteristics and those characteristics that result from a direct interaction with the environment. Apply this concept by giving examples of characteristics of living organisms that are influenced by both inheritance and the environment.

Mealworm Senses TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.LS3.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Distinguish between inherited characteristics and those characteristics that result from a direct interaction with the environment. Apply this concept by giving examples of characteristics of living organisms that are influenced by both inheritance and the environment.
Plant Structures TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.LS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Provide evidence and analyze data that plants and animals have traits inherited from parents and that variations of these traits exist in a group of similar organisms.

Frog Life Cycle TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.LS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Provide evidence and analyze data that plants and animals have traits inherited from parents and that variations of these traits exist in a group of similar organisms.

Selecting Traits TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.LS3.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Provide evidence and analyze data that plants and animals have traits inherited from parents and that variations of these traits exist in a group of similar organisms.

Selecting Traits TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.LS4.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Analyze and interpret data from fossils to describe types of organisms and their environments that existed long ago. Compare similarities and differences of those to living organisms and their environments. Recognize that most kinds of animals (and plants) that once lived on Earth are now extinct.

Selecting Traits TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.LS4.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use evidence to construct an explanation for how variations in characteristics among individuals within the same species may provide advantages to these individuals in their survival and reproduction.

Properties of Matter TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS1.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Analyze and interpret data from observations and measurements of the physical properties of matter to explain phase changes between a solid, liquid, or gas.

Properties of Matter TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS1.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Analyze and interpret data to show that the amount of matter is conserved even when it changes form, including transitions where matter seems to vanish.

Properties of Matter TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS1.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Design a process to measure how different variables (temperature, particle size, stirring) affect the rate of dissolving solids into liquids.

Properties of Matter TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS1.4 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Evaluate the results of an experiment to determine whether the mixing of two or more substances result in a change of properties.

Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Test the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the speed and direction of motion of objects.

Forces and Levers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4 Test the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the speed and direction of motion of objects.
Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.1 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Test the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the speed and direction of motion of objects.

Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Make observations and measurements of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to predict future motion.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.2 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Make observations and measurements of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to predict future motion.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.3 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Use evidence to support that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on objects is directed toward the Earth’s center.

Forces and Levers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.4 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain the cause and effect relationship of two factors (mass and distance) that affect gravity.

Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.4 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain the cause and effect relationship of two factors (mass and distance) that affect gravity.

Energy and Collisions TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.5 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how forces can create patterns within a system (moving in one direction, shifting back and forth, or moving in cycles), and describe conditions that affect how fast or slowly these patterns occur

Forces and Levers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.5 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how forces can create patterns within a system (moving in one direction, shifting back and forth, or moving in cycles), and describe conditions that affect how fast or slowly these patterns occur.

Engineering Launchers TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.5 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how forces can create patterns within a system (moving in one direction, shifting back and forth, or moving in cycles), and describe conditions that affect how fast or slowly these patterns occur.

Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces TN Tennessee Academic Standards for Science 5.PS2.5 [{id=111674358584, createdAt=1681899835616, updatedAt=1681899838563, 1='{type=string, value=4}'}] 4

Explain how forces can create patterns within a system (moving in one direction, shifting back and forth, or moving in cycles), and describe conditions that affect how fast or slowly these patterns occur.

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Phenomena Based Lessons Aligned to Tennessee Academic Standards for Science .

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain the cycle of water on Earth.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Associate major cloud types (cumulus, cumulonimbus, cirrus, stratus, nimbostratus) with weather conditions.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Incorporate weather data to describe major climates (polar, temperate, tropical) in different regions of the world.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) impact humans and the environment.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) impact humans and the environment.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Design solutions to reduce the impact of natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) on the environment.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Design solutions to reduce the impact of natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) on the environment.

Science Lesson : Mealworm Senses
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Analyze the internal and external structures that aquatic and land animals and plants have to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Science Lesson : Frog Life Cycle
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Analyze the internal and external structures that aquatic and land animals and plants have to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Science Lesson : Plant Structures
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Analyze the internal and external structures that aquatic and land animals and plants have to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Science Lesson : Mealworm Senses
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Explain the cause-and-effect relationship between a naturally changing environment and an organism's ability to survive.
Science Lesson : Selecting Traits
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Infer that plant and animal adaptations help them survive in land and aquatic biomes.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how changes to an environment's biodiversity influence human resources.

Science Lesson : Properties of Matter
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Describe the properties of solids, liquids, and gases and identify that matter is made up of particles too small to be seen.

Science Lesson : Properties of Matter
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Differentiate between changes caused by heating or cooling that can be reversed and that cannot.

Science Lesson : Properties of Matter
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Describe and compare the physical properties of matter including color, texture, shape, length, mass, temperature, volume, state, hardness, and flexibility.

Science Lesson : Current Electricity
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain the cause-and-effect relationship of magnets.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Recognize that energy is present when objects move; describe the effects of energy transfer from one object to another.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Recognize that energy is present when objects move; describe the effects of energy transfer from one object to another.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Recognize that energy is present when objects move; describe the effects of energy transfer from one object to another.

Science Lesson : Waves and Energy
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Recognize that energy is present when objects move; describe the effects of energy transfer from one object to another.

Science Lesson : Current Electricity
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts electrical energy to another form of energy, using open or closed simple circuits.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refiane a device that converts electrical energy to another form of energy, using open or closed simple circuits.

Science Lesson : Water Erosion
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Generate and support a claim with evidence that over long periods of time, erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition have changed landscapes and created new landforms.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Generate and support a claim with evidence that over long periods of time, erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition have changed landscapes and created new landforms.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Generate and support a claim with evidence that over long periods of time, erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition have changed landscapes and created new landforms.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Generate and support a claim with evidence that over long periods of time, erosion (weathering and transportation) and deposition have changed landscapes and created new landforms.

Science Lesson : Water Erosion
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Collect and analyze data from observations to provide evidence that rocks, soils, and sediments are broken into smaller pieces through mechanical weathering (frost wedging, abrasion, tree root wedging) and are transported by water, ice, wind, gravity, and vegetation.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Collect and analyze data from observations to provide evidence that rocks, soils, and sediments are broken into smaller pieces through mechanical weathering (frost wedging, abrasion, tree root wedging) and are transported by water, ice, wind, gravity, and vegetation.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Collect and analyze data from observations to provide evidence that rocks, soils, and sediments are broken into smaller pieces through mechanical weathering (frost wedging, abrasion, tree root wedging) and are transported by water, ice, wind, gravity, and vegetation.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Interpret maps to determine that the location of mountain ranges, deep ocean trenches, volcanoes, and earthquakes occur in patterns.
Science Lesson : Mealworm Senses
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Provide examples to support the claim that organisms affect the physical characteristics of their regions.
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Analyze and interpret data on the four layers of the Earth, including thickness, composition, and physical states of these layers.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Analyze and interpret data on the four layers of the Earth, including thickness, composition, and physical states of these layers.
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and that some energy and fuel sources are renewable (sunlight, wind, water) and some are not (fossil fuels, minerals).

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Create an argument, using evidence from research, that human activity (farming, mining, building) can affect the land and ocean in positive and/or negative ways.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Create an argument, using evidence from research, that human activity (farming, mining, building) can affect the land and ocean in positive and/or negative ways.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Categorize the effectiveness of design solutions by comparing them to specified criteria for constraints.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Categorize the effectiveness of design solutions by comparing them to specified criteria for constraints.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Categorize the effectiveness of design solutions by comparing them to specified criteria for constraints.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Categorize the effectiveness of design solutions by comparing them to specified criteria for constraints.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use appropriate tools and measurements to build a model.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use appropriate tools and measurements to build a model.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use appropriate tools and measurements to build a model.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use appropriate tools and measurements to build a model.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Determine the effectiveness of multiple solutions to a design problem given the criteria and the constraints.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Determine the effectiveness of multiple solutions to a design problem given the criteria and the constraints.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Determine the effectiveness of multiple solutions to a design problem given the criteria and the constraints.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Determine the effectiveness of multiple solutions to a design problem given the criteria and the constraints.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how engineers have improved existing technologies to increase their benefits, to decrease known risks, and to meet societal demands (artificial limbs, seatbelts, cell phones).

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how engineers have improved existing technologies to increase their benefits, to decrease known risks, and to meet societal demands (artificial limbs, seatbelts, cell phones).

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how engineers have improved existing technologies to increase their benefits, to decrease known risks, and to meet societal demands (artificial limbs, seatbelts, cell phones).

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how engineers have improved existing technologies to increase their benefits, to decrease known risks, and to meet societal demands (artificial limbs, seatbelts, cell phones).

Science Lesson : Frog Life Cycle
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Support an argument with evidence that plants get the materials they need for growth and reproduction chiefly through a process in which they use carbon dioxide from the air, water, and energy from the sun to produce sugars, plant materials, and waste (oxygen); and that this process is called photosynthesis.

Science Lesson : Plant Structures
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Support an argument with evidence that plants get the materials they need for growth and reproduction chiefly through a process in which they use carbon dioxide from the air, water, and energy from the sun to produce sugars, plant
materials, and waste (oxygen); and that this process is called photosynthesis.

Science Lesson : Food Webs
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Develop models of terrestrial and aquatic food chains to describe the movement of energy among producers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and decomposers.

Science Lesson : Food Webs
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Using information about the roles of organisms (producers, consumers, decomposers), evaluate how those roles in food chains are interconnected in a food web, and communicate how the organisms are continuously able to meet their needs in a stable food web.

Science Lesson : Mealworm Senses
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Using information about the roles of organisms (producers, consumers, decomposers), evaluate how those roles in food chains are interconnected in a food web, and communicate how the organisms are continuously able to meet their needs in a stable food web.
Science Lesson : Selecting Traits
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Develop and use models to determine the effects of introducing a species to, or removing a species from, an ecosystem and how either one can damage the balance of an ecosystem.

Science Lesson : Selecting Traits
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Analyze and interpret data about changes (land characteristics, water distribution, temperature, food, and other organisms) in the environment and describe what mechanisms organisms can use to affect their ability to survive and reproduce.

Science Lesson : Food Webs
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Analyze and interpret data about changes (land characteristics, water distribution, temperature, food, and other organisms) in the environment and describe what mechanisms organisms can use to affect their ability to survive and reproduce.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Obtain information about what a fossil is and ways a fossil can provide information about the past.

Science Lesson : Energy and Collisions
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use evidence to explain the cause and effect relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of an object.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use evidence to explain the cause and effect relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of an object.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use evidence to explain the cause and effect relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of an object.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use evidence to explain the cause and effect relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of an object.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Observe and explain the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Observe and explain the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy.

Science Lesson : Forces and Levers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.
Science Lesson : Waves and Energy
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Science Lesson : Pitch and Volume
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Science Lesson : Current Electricity
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.

Science Lesson : Waves and Energy
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use a model of a simple wave to explain regular patterns of amplitude, wavelength, and direction.

Science Lesson : Pitch and Volume
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use a model of a simple wave to explain regular patterns of amplitude, wavelength, and direction.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Describe how the colors of available light sources and the bending of light waves determine what we see.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Investigate how lenses and digital devices like computers or cell phones use waves to enhance human senses.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Use evidence from the presence and location of fossils to determine the order in which rock strata were formed.
Science Lesson : Selecting Traits
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Compare and contrast animal responses that are instinctual versus those that are gathered through the senses, processed, and stored as memories to guide their actions.

Science Lesson : Mealworm Senses
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Compare and contrast animal responses that are instinctual versus those that are gathered through the senses, processed, and stored as memories to guide their actions.
Science Lesson : Selecting Traits
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Distinguish between inherited characteristics and those characteristics that result from a direct interaction with the environment. Apply this concept by giving examples of characteristics of living organisms that are influenced by both inheritance and the environment.

Science Lesson : Mealworm Senses
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Distinguish between inherited characteristics and those characteristics that result from a direct interaction with the environment. Apply this concept by giving examples of characteristics of living organisms that are influenced by both inheritance and the environment.
Science Lesson : Plant Structures
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Provide evidence and analyze data that plants and animals have traits inherited from parents and that variations of these traits exist in a group of similar organisms.

Science Lesson : Frog Life Cycle
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Provide evidence and analyze data that plants and animals have traits inherited from parents and that variations of these traits exist in a group of similar organisms.

Science Lesson : Selecting Traits
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Provide evidence and analyze data that plants and animals have traits inherited from parents and that variations of these traits exist in a group of similar organisms.

Science Lesson : Selecting Traits
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Analyze and interpret data from fossils to describe types of organisms and their environments that existed long ago. Compare similarities and differences of those to living organisms and their environments. Recognize that most kinds of animals (and plants) that once lived on Earth are now extinct.

Science Lesson : Selecting Traits
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use evidence to construct an explanation for how variations in characteristics among individuals within the same species may provide advantages to these individuals in their survival and reproduction.

Science Lesson : Properties of Matter
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Analyze and interpret data from observations and measurements of the physical properties of matter to explain phase changes between a solid, liquid, or gas.

Science Lesson : Properties of Matter
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Analyze and interpret data to show that the amount of matter is conserved even when it changes form, including transitions where matter seems to vanish.

Science Lesson : Properties of Matter
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Design a process to measure how different variables (temperature, particle size, stirring) affect the rate of dissolving solids into liquids.

Science Lesson : Properties of Matter
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Evaluate the results of an experiment to determine whether the mixing of two or more substances result in a change of properties.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Test the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the speed and direction of motion of objects.

Science Lesson : Forces and Levers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation: Test the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the speed and direction of motion of objects.
Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Test the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the speed and direction of motion of objects.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Make observations and measurements of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to predict future motion.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Make observations and measurements of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to predict future motion.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Use evidence to support that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on objects is directed toward the Earth’s center.

Science Lesson : Forces and Levers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain the cause and effect relationship of two factors (mass and distance) that affect gravity.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain the cause and effect relationship of two factors (mass and distance) that affect gravity.

Science Lesson : Energy and Collisions
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how forces can create patterns within a system (moving in one direction, shifting back and forth, or moving in cycles), and describe conditions that affect how fast or slowly these patterns occur

Science Lesson : Forces and Levers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how forces can create patterns within a system (moving in one direction, shifting back and forth, or moving in cycles), and describe conditions that affect how fast or slowly these patterns occur.

Science Lesson : Engineering Launchers
State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how forces can create patterns within a system (moving in one direction, shifting back and forth, or moving in cycles), and describe conditions that affect how fast or slowly these patterns occur.

State: TN
Standards: Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Performance Expectation:

Explain how forces can create patterns within a system (moving in one direction, shifting back and forth, or moving in cycles), and describe conditions that affect how fast or slowly these patterns occur.

This alignment guide shows how KnowAtom’s K-8 integrated science curriculum is aligned with Tennessee Academic Standards for Science.

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Other State Standards

Standards citation: NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Neither WestEd nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it.