Sun-Earth-Moon System

In this unit, students analyze the science phenomena patterns in the Earth-Moon-Sun system that result from orbital motion, which is caused by gravity and inertia. This page is a high-level extract of the first lesson in this unit.

Science Background for Teachers:

Science background provides teachers with more in-depth information on the phenomena students explore in this unit. Below is an excerpt from this section on the Sun-Earth-Moon system. 

Orbiting Earth

All satellites orbit Earth because of two interacting factors: gravity and inertia. Remember that gravity is the force of attraction between all matter, and that Earth is so massive that its gravitational field extends beyond the atmosphere, pulling on all objects within it.

The force of Earth’s gravity doesn’t pull the satellites down to Earth’s surface, however, because all objects in orbit are also moving sideways, at approximately 90 degrees to the force of gravity. For example, the moon moves at a speed of 3,683 kilometers per hour.

If Earth’s gravitational field didn’t exist, all satellites would travel in a straight line because of inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest and an object in motion to remain in motion unless acted on by an outside force. If a ball is at rest on the ground, it will not suddenly start moving on its own. It needs an outside force—such as you kicking it—to cause it to move. Similarly, once the ball starts moving, it would continue moving forever if no other forces acted on it. Here on Earth, both friction and air resistance eventually cause the ball to slow down by transferring energy out of it.

In space, there is no friction or air resistance. Instead, Earth’s gravity provides the outside force that changes the motion of the satellites. Earth’s gravitational field is so strong that its attractive force pulls on the satellites as they move. For an object to remain in orbit, its speed must be balanced by the pull of gravity. If its speed is too slow, it will fall back to Earth. Too fast, and it will fly off in a straight line in space.

Satellites orbit at different speeds and different distances from Earth. For example, some satellites are geostationary, traveling from west to east over the equator and moving in the same direction and at the same speed as Earth. As a result, it appears from Earth as though they don’t move because they are always above the same spot on Earth.

Systems in Space

Each of the satellites orbiting Earth forms a system made up of them and Earth. For example, the moon is a natural satellite that forms an Earth-moon system. It forms a system because it and Earth are connected, interacting parts that make up a more complex whole.

At the same time as the satellites orbit Earth, Earth itself is a satellite in motion, orbiting the sun. The sun is a star at the center of a solar system. A solar system is a collection of planets and other objects that orbit a sun. A planet is a body that orbits the sun, is massive enough for its own gravity to make it round, and has cleared out smaller objects around its orbit. There are currently eight known planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. As of 2016, a ninth planet has been identified far beyond Neptune, but it hasn’t yet been confirmed.

All of the planets orbit the sun for the same reason that satellites orbit Earth: gravity and inertia. The sun is so much more massive than any of the planets that its gravitational field pulls Earth and the other planets into orbit around it. The perpetual motion of the planets is due to inertia. Earth continues to spin and hurtle through space at an average speed of 30 km per second because there is nothing blocking its path.

The closer a planet is to the sun, the stronger the gravitational pull and the faster the planet moves around the sun. Planets that are farther from the sun have a slower orbit because the gravitational pull weakens. Planets closer to the sun also have less distance to travel to complete an orbit around the sun. For example, Neptune, the farthest planet from the sun, takes almost 165 Earth years to orbit the sun. Mercury, the closest to the sun, takes three Earth months.

The Sun’s Energy

In addition to anchoring all of the objects in the solar system, the sun plays another important role on Earth: it provides energy to the planet in the forms of light and heat. The sun is so powerful that it provides all of the light and heat needed for life on Earth. It does this through exothermic reactions that take place deep within the sun’s interior. Remember that exothermic reactions are chemical reactions in which energy is released into the environment. The light and heat produced by the sun are evidence of these exothermic reactions. The sun transfers energy to Earth through radiation—heat transfer that occurs without contact between the heat source and the object heated.

As the sun shines, it lights up Earth. However, Earth is also rotating (spinning) once every 23 hours and 56 minutes. As it rotates, the sun lights up half of the planet at a time. This is day and night on Earth. Different parts of the planet experience variations in the number of hours of daylight compared to night depending on the time of year, but the length of one complete day is always 24 hours.

The sun also lights up the moon. The moon doesn’t emit its own light. Instead, it reflects the sun’s light, which bounces off of the moon and then travels to Earth. The lit part of the moon that we see from Earth depends on the moon’s position in space relative to Earth and the sun. You may have heard of “the dark side of the moon.” This phrase came about because here on Earth, the same side of the moon is always facing Earth. However, it isn’t true that the side of the moon facing away from Earth is always dark. Just like on Earth, part of the moon gets light, and then dark.

The same side of the moon always faces Earth because it takes the moon the same amount of time to complete one rotation as it does to complete one orbit around Earth. The moon completes one rotation and one orbit around Earth in approximately 29 days. This also means that one day on the moon equals about 13 days on Earth. This is because Earth rotates much more quickly than the moon.

Supports Grade 6

Science Lesson: Exploring the Sun-Earth-Moon System

In this lesson, students investigate Earth’s position in the solar system by exploring patterns caused by interactions within the Sun-Earth-moon system. Specifically, students develop physical and visual models to explain the phenomena of why the moon appears to change over a month, and how these changes are related to solar and lunar eclipses. 

Science Big Ideas

  • Earth is part of the solar system. The solar system is a collection of planets and other objects that orbit the Sun (a star at the center of a solar system). 
  • There is constant motion in the solar system, caused by the attractive force of gravity.
  • At the same time as the moon orbits Earth, Earth itself is in motion, orbiting the sun. All three objects form a system because they interact with one another.
  • The sun produces light and heat through exothermic chemical reactions. This energy is transferred to Earth and the moon through radiation, which is heat transfer that occurs without contact between the heat source and the object heated.
  • Earth, the moon, and the Sun form a system because they interact with one another.
  • The moon’s predictable patterns of movement as it travels across the night sky happen because of the moon’s position in space relative to Earth and the Sun.
  • When the Sun, moon, and Earth are lined up in just the right way, an eclipse will occur. An eclipse occurs when one object in the solar system moves into the shadow of another object. There are two kinds of eclipses on Earth: an eclipse of the sun and an eclipse of the moon.

Sample Unit CTA-2
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Science Essential Questions

  • How does Earth’s gravity interact with the moon and other satellites?
  • How would the moon and other satellites move in space if they weren’t being pulled on by Earth’s gravity?
  • Why does Earth orbit the sun and not the other way around?
  • What is the relationship between an object’s mass and its gravitational pull?
  • What motion of Earth causes day and night?
  • How is the moon cycle an example of interactions among Earth, the Sun, and the moon?
  • What has to happen for an eclipse to occur?
  • How would you compare a solar eclipse with a lunar eclipse?

Common Science Misconceptions

Misconception: The sun is not a star because it does not shine at night.
Fact: The sun is the closest star to Earth, and it always shines. However, Earth rotates on its axis, so half of it is always facing toward the sun (daytime) and half of it is always facing away from the sun (nighttime).
Misconception: Light waves need air to travel.
Fact: Light waves do not need a medium to travel, which is how they are able to travel through the vacuum of space.

Science Vocabulary

Eclipse : occurs when one object in the solar system moves into the shadow of another object

Galaxy : a large cluster of stars held together by gravity

Moon Cycle : the changing appearance of the moon (as seen from Earth) as it orbits Earth

Orbit : to move around another object in a complete path, such as a circle or an oval

Planet : a body that orbits the sun, is massive enough for its own gravity to make it round, and has cleared out smaller objects around its orbit

Radiation : a form of heat transfer that occurs without contact between the heat source and the object heated

Satellite : a body that orbits another body in space

Solar System : a collection of planets and other objects that orbit a sun

Sun : a star at the center of a solar system

Universe : the wide-open space that holds all matter and energy known to exist

Lexile(R) Certified Non-Fiction Science Reading (Excerpt)

Communicating with Satellites

In 2010, a major earthquake hit Haiti. It was so powerful that it affected about 3 million people. It damaged or destroyed thousands of buildings. Many people from around the world came to Haiti to help the country recover from the earthquake.

One challenge after a major disaster is that much of the infrastructure is often damaged. Infrastructure refers to the physical structures and facilities that help a society or organization function. For example, the earthquake in Haiti destroyed many cellular towers. This made it almost impossible to use cell phones in the days right after the earthquake.


Satellite Phones

Many international groups used satellite phones to communicate when they couldn’t use cell phones. Satellite phones don’t rely on cell towers or other infrastructure on land. Instead, they use satellites that are orbiting Earth. To orbit means to move around another object in a complete path, such as a circle or an oval. The satellite phone uses those satellites in space to send information, rather than cellular towers. Using satellites helped people who wanted to coordinate the delivery of important goods, including blankets and plastic sheeting that people could use for shelter.


Orbiting in Space

There are thousands of satellites currently orbiting Earth. A satellite is a body that orbits another body in space. The moon is a natural satellite that orbits Earth. The satellites used by satellite phones are artificial because they are made by humans. Both natural and artificial satellites orbit Earth because of gravity and inertia. Remember that gravity is the force of attraction between all matter and that Earth is so massive that its gravitational field extends beyond the atmosphere, pulling on all objects within it.


Earth’s Gravity

The force of Earth’s gravity doesn’t pull the moon or the other satellites down to Earth’s surface. This is because all objects in orbit are also moving sideways. For example, the moon moves at a speed of 3,683 kilometers per hour.

If Earth’s gravitational field didn’t exist, all satellites would travel in a straight line because of inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest and an object in motion to remain in motion unless acted on by an outside force. If a ball is at rest on the ground, it will not suddenly start moving on its own. It needs an outside force—such as you kicking it—to cause it to move. Similarly, once the ball starts moving, it will continue moving forever if no other forces acted on it. However, here on Earth, both friction and air resistance eventually cause the ball to slow down by transferring energy out of it.

Sun-Earth-Moon System
Sun-Earth-Moon System
Sun-Earth-Moon System

Hands-on Science Activity

For the hands-on activity of this lesson, students develop physical and visual models of the Sun- Earth-Moon system to figure out why the appearance of the moon changes over a month, as well as how the phenomena of solar and lunar eclipses occur. Student teams use their physical model of the Earth-sun- moon system to figure out how the sun’s light reflects off of the moon, causing changes in how the moon appears from Earth over the course of a month due to the moon’s location in space as it orbits Earth.

Science Assessments

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Science Standards

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Standards citation: NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Neither WestEd nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it.