Help students become more skillful thinkers, with the tools to unpack complex phenomena and build their capacity to reason with evidence! Check out these free thinking routines that are useful for teaching the next generation science standards. You'll find more helpful teacher tool in our resource library or contact us for more NGSS hands-on science curriculum and science kit materials for K-8.
Thinking Routine #1
Introduce 8 thinking moves that improve understanding of ideas and concepts across all subjects, and help students develop habits around these important thinking moves as a way of learning.
Thinking Routine #2
Encourage students to zoom in and use close observation to support their understanding, and foster students’ ability to look closely and build their habits around this important skill!
Thinking Routine #3
Discover how to raise the quality of your student’s explanations and thinking as they move beyond first assumptions and build their capacity to reason with evidence!
Thinking Routine #4
Encourage students to understand that reasoning is an ongoing process that evolves as we learn, and help students form a habit of building strong evidence-based conclusions as a way of engaging in the scientific process. Students can also capture their thoughts in preparation for discussions.
Thinking Routine #5
Unlock your students' imaginations! Guide whole-group thinking routines or small-group discussions with this anchor chart and graphic organizer and invite students to discuss unfolding complexities and future opportunities while challenging the status quo.
Thinking Routine #6
Support students in making connections between new ideas and prior knowledge! Displaying this anchor chart will give learners the tools they need to tackle big ideas in the future, including changing their views as new information is uncovered.
Thinking Routine #7
Support students to investigate real-world dilemmas and develop a stance that is supported by evidence with the following thinking moves: reasoning with evidence, wondering and asking questions, and uncovering complexity.
Thinking Routine #8
Support students to think abstractly and develop creative representations of their thinking. Discover how to use this chart and graphic organizer to facilitate discussions that encourage students to capture and clarify the essence of ideas.