Sara Goodman


About Sara Goodman

Science is filled with stories that explain the world around us. It is constantly revealing new insights into everyday happenings, and answers to questions I haven’t even thought of yet. Goodman began her career as a science writer at an online publication focused on energy and the environment in Washington, D.C., where she covered chemicals, nanotechnology, and other science-related topics. Her articles have appeared on numerous websites, including the New York Times, Scientific American, and the Society of Environmental Journalists. After her stint in D.C., she moved to Texas, where she taught journalism at Texas A&M. Goodman holds a Master’s of Science from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.

STEM / STEAM | Jul 10, 2016

STEM / STEAM | Jun 28, 2016

State Standards | Jun 7, 2016

Testing | May 27, 2016

State Standards | May 24, 2016

State Standards | May 18, 2016

STEM / STEAM | Mar 18, 2016

ngss curriculum