By completing this form, you’ll receive a Socratic Dialogue Peer Evaluation download that prompts students to consider ways they can engage in higher-order thinking and the steps they need to take to get there.
Would you like to support your students in reflecting on their participation in scientific discussions?
This free Socratic Dialog Peer Evaluation tool will help students conduct peer reviews and challenge them to raise their level of engagement during Socratic Dialogues, Socratic seminars, and scientist circles.
Utilizing this peer evaluation routinely will help students to begin to self-assess and develop the ability to monitor and revise their own thinking.
Read more to learn how to integrate Socratic dialogue with storyline pedagogy in the classroom.
Analyze one of your upcoming tasks for the golden triangle for creativity.
By completing this form, you'll receive a free visual tool for unpacking creativity in K-8 classroom tasks (It’s Free)
This tool is great for elementary NGSS and middle school science, ELA, social studies and more!
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KnowAtom teaches me about things I never knew about and it teaches me in an interesting way.