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Sunlight and Engineering

In this first unit, students learn to differentiate between the practices of a scientist and those of an engineer. Students ask questions, make observations, and collect data as they explore weather patterns on Earth and investigate how different Earth materials are heated by the sun. During this final lesson of the unit, students act as engineers by designing a prototype that can reduce the warming effects of the sun.

Science Background for Teachers:

The science background serves to provide teachers with additional information that explains the topic of each lesson in more depth. In this lesson, students act as engineers to design and build a prototype to solve a problem students may face in their lives (a way to shade themselves from the sun on a beach).

Engineering is similar to science but it isn’t the same. Engineers use scientific knowledge and mathematics to solve a problem by creating new technologies. Therefore, the most significant difference between scientists and engineers is that scientists ask questions and use evidence to answer those questions, while engineers define a problem and then use scientific knowledge to solve the problem. A problem is a need that a technology can solve, and a technology is anything that people have modified from the natural world to meet their needs and wants. For example, whitewashed buildings are technologies. The solution of whitewashing the buildings to reflect heat addresses the problem of the intense sunlight that shines in some parts of the world. Engineers use what they know about sunlight and which materials absorb and reflect the most sunlight to help them design a solution.

Supports Grade K

Science Lesson: Designing and Building as Engineers

In this lesson students use what they know about how sunlight warms Earth’s surface to design a prototype solution that helps people stay cool on a hot, sunny beach. Students first explore the work of an engineer through a circle-time book, then they discuss the importance of engineering, before working in pairs to solve a problem. Students plan, design, build, test, and analyze the prototype they create to fully experience the engineering cycle.

Science Big Ideas

  • Engineers are people who solve problems by designing solutions to those problems.
  • Engineers can use scientific concepts to reduce the warming effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface.
  • Engineers first understand the problem, then plan and design a prototype solution, and finally test their prototype before making changes to improve it.
Sample Unit CTA-2
Discover Complete Hands-on Screens-off Core Science Curriculum for K-8 Classrooms

Prepared hands-on materials, full year grade-specific curriculum, and personalized live professional development designed to support mastery of current state science standards.

Science Essential Questions

  • What makes a scientist different from an engineer?
  • What are some examples of engineering around us?
  • What is an example of a problem that an engineer has solved?
  • Why do engineers need scientific knowledge?
  • What scientific knowledge have you learned about how different materials are heated by the sun?

Common Science Misconceptions

Misconception: Engineers and scientists are the same.

Fact: Engineers and scientists use many of the same practices and skills, but they have different goals. Scientists search for answers to questions, while engineers solve problems.

Science Vocabulary

Engineer : a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve problems

Lexile(R) Certified Non-Fiction Science Reading (Excerpt)


Hands-on Science Activity

In this hands-on activity, students will work in pairs to design a prototype to create shade from the sun on a beach. Students are given an engineering problem and they must plan, design, build and test a prototype to solve the problem. The goal of this activity is for students to experience the engineering design-solution process. After students test their prototype to see how well it solves the problem, students discuss possible improvements and make changes accordingly. Students will continue to practice this engineering process in future grades.

Science Assessments

KnowAtom incorporates formative and summative assessments designed to make students thinking visible for deeper student-centered learning.

  • Vocabulary Check
  • Lab Checkpoints
  • Concept Check Assessment 
  • Concept Map Assessment 
  • And More...
Science Standards

See How KnowAtom Aligns to NGSS Science Standards

Discover hands-on screens-off core science curriculum for student centered K-8 classrooms. KnowAtom supports classrooms with all hands-on materials, curriculum, and professional development to support mastery of the standards.

Download the Alignment to NGSS

Standards citation: NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Neither WestEd nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it.